general terms of use

general terms of use of the website

These general terms of use (hereinafter the “TOS“) of the website (the “Site“) govern the relationship between:

The company CTOUTVERT, SARL with a capital of € 56,312.05, registered with the RCS of Toulouse under number 433 265 618, whose head office is located at 10, place Alfonse Jourdain – 31000 Toulouse; and

Any internet user (hereinafter “the User“)
Telephone: +33 (0) 5 61 47 23 53

Publication Manager:
Manuel Mirabel, CEO

The site is hosted by the company:
Microsoft Azure France

Headquarters: 37, 45, 39 Quai du président Roosevelt, CS 40106, 92445 Issy les Moulineaux Cedex France

SIREN number: 327733184
Telephone: 01 57 75 10 00

Date last update: 13/08/2020

Article 1 – Purpose of the general user conditions
The purpose of the TOS is to define the conditions under which CTOUTVERT makes the site available to users.

Article 2 – Acceptance of the TOS
2.1. The terms and conditions should be carefully read by users when on the site. It is possible at any time to print and / or save these general terms and conditions.

2.2. Browsing the site implies acceptance of the terms and conditions.

2.3. CTOUTVERT reserves the right to unilaterally change and update the TOS at any time, without prior notice or special formality, specifying that any change related to this TOS will be posted on this page. It is up to the User to regularly consult the TOS.

Article 3 – Site management
3.1. For the proper management of the Site, CTOUTVERT reserves the right to suspend, interrupt or restrict access to all or part of the Site at any time for any reason, and in particular with a view to on maintenance or updating. or in the event of an attack on the site, regardless of its nature.

3.2. Any creation of a hyperlink referring to the site or any part of the site is prohibited without the prior written consent of CTOUTVERT. Hyperlinks to the site may have been made without the knowledge of CTOUTVERT. In this case, CTOUTVERT cannot be held responsible for the information presented on these sites.

3.3. The existence of a hyperlink on the site to another site (for example, a partner’s or customer’s site) does not imply validation of this site or its content by CTOUTVERT. In this regard, the site and partner sites remain strictly independent.

Article 4 – Responsibility of the user
The use of the site is under the sole responsibility of the user.
CTOUTVERT cannot therefore be held responsible for any malicious program that could infect the User’s computer equipment or other hardware or software, nor for the loss or alteration of data resulting from the use of the Site.
It is the User’s responsibility to take all appropriate measures to protect his data, computer systems or software against contamination by possible viruses, Trojans or, more generally, computer programs that could endanger the security of the Site.

Article 5 – Responsibility of CTOUTVERT
Subject to applicable legal and / or regulatory provisions, CTOUTVERT cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage related to the use or inability to use the Site and more generally, for any events related Site such as in particular technical failures, malfunctions, interruptions, changes to the Site.
In addition, CTOUTVERT does not guarantee the availability, accuracy, completeness, reliability or timeliness of the information available on the Site.

Article 6 – Personal data and cookies
Under this Site, CTOUTVERT may be required to collect personal data about you within the meaning of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 as amended on data processing, files and freedoms.

CTOUTVERT also uses cookies to improve your experience on the site so that it adapts to your preferences.

For additional information, we invite you to consult our house rules which set out our policy on the protection of personal data and our policy on cookies.

Article 7 – Intellectual property
Each user has a private and non-exclusive right to use the site and undertakes not to use the site for commercial or illegal purposes.
The site, trademarks, logos and any other distinctive sign and any software used on the site, as well as the content of the site (that is, any text, video, photo or other information in any format and in whatever nature appears on the Site) (hereinafter the “Properties”) are the exclusive property of CTOUTVERT, its partners or third parties who have given it permission to use said content and / or its partners.

The properties are likely to be protected by copyright, trademark, patent or any other intellectual or industrial property right.
The information, including the properties, published on the site may under no circumstances be used for commercial or advertising purposes.

CTOUTVERT prohibits the retrieval, reuse, marketing, distribution, modification, adaptation, translation, as well as the reproduction of all or part of the elements, including the properties, of the site without its prior written consent. and express. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement which may result in the civil and criminal liability of the infringer.

Article 8 – Applicable law and competent jurisdiction
These TOS are subject to French law. The French courts are competent to adjudicate any disputes that may arise in connection with its implementation.